I am glad to welcome you on the official website of the Kainar Academy College!
Today you choose your future - this is a very responsible step, a successful career begins with a good education and the right choice of specialty today - your reliable future tomorrow! It is very important for us to give those who come to study with us a store of theoretical and practical knowledge that will help them navigate life confidently and achieve professional success. We strive to prepare qualified, educated, creative thinkers capable of working effectively in a constantly changing economic and social environment.
The college has everything necessary for the training of highly qualified specialists. Of course, the quality of education primarily depends on the qualifications of the teaching staff. I think that our students are very lucky: under the guidance of talented teachers and masters, they go through a real school of professionalism. The key to the success of our graduates is a strong teaching staff.
The prestige of the educational institution, the achievements that the college is proud of today is the result of not only the deep theoretical and practical knowledge of teachers, but also a creative attitude to work. Training of a modern specialist is impossible without innovative search, introduction of the latest information technologies into the educational process. Students have at their disposal a modern material and technical base, including: classrooms, laboratories, a sports complex, an information and library center and an assembly hall, as well as a comfortable hostel and dining room, personal computers, multimedia installations, a video studio, interactive whiteboards, and much more ...
Quality education, successful application of innovative methods, friendly atmosphere, exciting student life, one of the best student assets in the city - all this is Kainar College. A special world has been created here, where knowledge and creativity are at the head!
If you care about your future, plan your professional path, choose a profession that will become your favorite thing, bring material well-being and confidence in the future.
If you have professional and life ambitions, you strive to reveal all your abilities and gain a bright personality, then Kainar College is waiting for you. Let studying in our college be a successful start to a worthy future!
Sincerely, Tursinbayeva Zhanar Turakovna