Committee for Youth Affairs (hereinafter referred to as CDM) - is the university governing body in the field of implementation of the state youth policy.
Over the years of the twentieth anniversary, meetings were organized for students with political figures and interesting people. Prince Charles of Wales, Professor of Harvard University Boris Rumer, Rector of MGIMO A.Torkunov, director Rashid Nugmanov, Italian ethnographer Glovani Gualberto, head of the Center for Eurasian Studies at Reading University E.Kalyuzhnova and others spoke to the students.
The work on legal education provides for the participation of students in the month of crime prevention, the organization of meetings with employees of law enforcement agencies (the prosecutor's office, legal services) of the city:
• Students take an active part, making presentations at round tables dedicated to the discussion of the annual messages of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the people of Kazakhstan.
• 2011 was proclaimed by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev - the year of the twentieth anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, competitions dedicated to the anniversary date are held with great interest at the faculties of the university: “Kazakh language is my language”, “I glorify the patronymic that exists!”, “Independence of Kazakhstan - 20 years”, etc.
• Students take part in research projects and in the research work of students of faculties, participate in Republican and university scientific and practical conferences. The best works are published in the journal "Bulletin of the University of Kainar" and in other specialized scientific journals of the republic.
• Among the students there are erudite competitions dedicated to Psychologist's Day, Independence Day, by countries of specialization - "The World of England in Kainar", "Traditions, customs of the people and countries of the studied language" at the Faculty of History and International Relations, on legal literacy among graduates - "Rights and responsibilities of a young specialist.
Eleven clubs are active at the university:
• The topics of discussions of the discussion club are varied: “The place of religion in modern society”, “Would you go to fight for Iraq?”, “Kazakhstan in the light of world problems”, etc.
• The Tourist Club organizes various tourist trips to the sights of the country. Students studying in the specialty "Sports Tourism" are given thematic classes on the following types of exercises: Assemble and disassemble the tent; Collect a backpack; Tie knots; Determine azimuth, etc.
• In addition, students take part in the annual presidential physical education tests; in the Spartakiad "Densaulyk", where students try themselves as judges and organizers of competitions. Teams compete in tug of war; play football, table tennis, chess. As part of sports training, rock climbing training is held for students of 1-2 courses, bowling for 3-4 courses in the shopping center "Maximum".
• A traditional mini-football tournament for the Kainar Academy Rector's Cup is held, where women's and men's teams take part.
Students of the Kainar Academy take an active part in district, city student events, such as the city clean-up Day of the City, initiation into students, Ak Zhol graduation ball and are members of city and republican youth organizations - “We are for a strong Kazakhstan”, “Alliance of the Youth Union ”, “Youth Policy Development Fund” of the Akimat of Almaty. In the spring season 2003-2004. the student team of KVN of the university, which is one of the leaders of the republic, in Sochi took an honorable place among 300 teams of the CIS. Awarded with a diploma of the finalists of the KVN League Championship -2010.
Sports sections work at the university, combined teams in various sports have been created. Physical education classes were held in sections that students chose when entering the university.
These were the following sports:
• swimming;
• basketball;
• volleyball;
• aerobics;
• freestyle wrestling;
• Kazaksha-kures;
• martial arts;
• table tennis;
• football;
• etc.
Thanks to their work, our students improved their sports skills, participated in many city, republican and international competitions, in the world Universiade. They won prizes, conquered mountain peaks and increased the sports glory of the Kainar Academy. Combined sports teams in judo, swimming, Kazakh-Kures wrestling participate in the Republican Universiade. According to the results of the 2003-2004 Universiade, the sportsmen of the Kainar Academy took 13th and 11th places in the team standings in these sports.
In 2005-2006, the athletes of the academy competed at the Universiade in 8 types of the program, which allowed them to take a higher place in the team standings. Each faculty has information stands: “Educational Work Corner”, “Student Council Work”, etc. The educational work of the Academy is carried out in the following areas: organizing and holding institute-wide holidays and events, moral, patriotic, interethnic, aesthetic and legal education, labor, career guidance, healthy lifestyle and sports work, prevention of religious extremism.
Graduates and students of the university have sports achievements at the national and international levels. In particular, graduate Maksut Zhumaev is the captain of the Kazakhstan climbers team, master of sports of international class in mountaineering of the Republic of Kazakhstan, multiple champion and prize-winner of the championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan in mountaineering in the high-altitude class, champion of the open championship of the CIS in mountaineering in the high-altitude class (2001-2003), conqueror of 13 out of 14 existing eight-thousanders peace.
Graduate Muratbek Kasimkhanov is the champion of Kazakhstan and the winner of the Cup of Kazakhstan in Greco-Roman wrestling: 1993-97-2000, winner of the Asian Cup in 1995, 1997, winner of many Cups and Championships, since 2000. to 2009 - senior coach of the junior Greco-Roman wrestling team, 2010. head coach of the national team in Greco-Roman wrestling, master of sports, master of sports of international class, honored coach of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Graduate Kenzhesh Sarsekenova is a multiple winner of the Championships of Kazakhstan in 1989, 1990. in speed skating, participant in cups and world championships in 1992-1994, twice represented the republic at the Winter Olympics in 1994, 1998, took 8th place in the Asian Winter Games in 1999, took part in the torch relay 7 Winter Asian Games 2011 in Astana.