Qualification: 4S01140101– "Primary Education Teacher"
Description of the specialty. This is a specialty of a pedagogical profile, the professional area of which is the subject area of primary education. This is the most humane, creative and necessary profession, which is the foundation for all professions in the world. A specialist in this profile plays an important role in shaping the personality of each student. He is a teacher, educator, psychologist, music director in one person.
Primary education is the first stage of general secondary education (first, second, third, fourth grades), which ensures the development of a child's personality, the formation of his initial views on nature, man and his place in society, skills and abilities of educational activities, experience in observing the norms of social communication.
Field of activity: Educational organizations. The sphere of professional activity of a specialist is educational activities in institutions providing general primary education.
Types of professional activity of primary education teachers:
organizes lessons and extracurricular activities in primary schools, in accordance with state education standards;
organizes methodical work;
systematically improves his professional qualifications;
He knows the ways of modulating educational information, constructing an information and learning field, designing interactive interaction, monitors the quality of learning, collects data for the portfolio of student and teacher success.
Graduates of the specialty: "Primary education teacher" can work:
Primary school teacher;
Terms of study:
on the basis of general secondary education – 2 years 10 months;
on the basis of basic secondary education – 3 years and 10 months.
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