Qualification: 4S06130103 – "Software Developer"
Field of study: "Software" – deals with information technology issues related to the search, collection, storage, transformation and use of information in various fields of human activity. This is primarily the field of high technology. Knowledge of information technology is, one might say, the norm of our time.
Within the framework of this direction, professional programmers – developers of system and application software are trained.
The need for graduates of the specialty is very high – for many years the demand for specialists in this field exceeds the supply. Graduates work in leading IT companies.
The objects of professional activity of computer specialists are:
Professionally oriented automated systems and information technologies;
Information processes and information flows;
Types of activities:
development of programs for the creation and maintenance of databases and information retrieval systems;
teaching computer science and programming in secondary and secondary vocational schools;
creation of programs for solving scientific and economic problems;
the use of standard PC software and other activities related to the use of information technology.
Graduates of the specialty "Computer Engineering and software" can work as IT specialists:
in banks, developing and maintaining banking and exchange computer programs;
at individual enterprises and in the management of entire industries, creating automated production planning and management systems;
at enterprises and institutions, developing and maintaining queuing systems and information and reference systems;
in educational institutions;
in service centers for repair and diagnostics of computers and office equipment.
Terms of study:
on the basis of general secondary education – 2 years and 10 months,
on the basis of basic secondary education – 3 years and 10 months.